Many companies do not understand how to compensate an employee properly for time spent traveling to destinations other than a regular work site.
There are travel time rules that apply to time spent traveling to another location for a special assignment, substantial travel for an emergency outside the normal working hours, and time spent traveling during regular work hours as part of the employee’s principal job duties. There are rules for when an employee reports to a central location to pick up equipment before proceeding to his or her assigned worksite.
This content packed 60-minute webinar will enable you to understand how and when to compensate an employee for travel time away from a work site. You will find out how to determine which employees are entitled to travel time pay and at what rate.
Why should you attend:
Compensating employees for the hours spent traveling on business is becoming one of the major concerns of the payroll department today. The recent changes in federal and state wage and hour rules as well as economic pressures on employers and employees alike can create a situation that can practically give an invitation to noncompliance travel time lawsuits.
Join us in the webinar with our prominent speaker Elga Lejarza, who will discuss the rules and regulations that must be followed while paying an employee for their travel.
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Areas Covered in the Webinar:
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Elga Lejarza
Human Resources Business Partner founder and president of Lejarza HR Consulting in Greenville SC. Consulting firm offering a wide range of Human Resources services in English as well as in Spanish to small to medium size organizations. Elga graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor Degree. She obtained a Major in Business Administration and a minor in Human Resources. Elga specializes in employee and management development, Recruitment and Employee Relations. Elga has 19 years of HR experience and has worked at Target, Bloomingdales’ and Walgreens.
Elga is a volunteer for the Greenville Literacy Association, a member of the Greenville Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, The Society of Human Resources Management, the Greenville SHRM and the Anderson SHRM.